Rose Tyler
played by Billie Piper

Also played by Julia Joyce

Rose: No, you're not keeping the horse.
The Doctor: I let you keep Mickey.

Rose was working in a department store until it was blown up by the Doctor. She was reluctant to join the Doctor at first, until he mentioned that the TARDIS also travelled in time.

She got very close to the ninth Doctor, and then to the tenth Doctor .She was forced to remain in an alternative Earth to avoid being sucked into the void between parallel worlds.

First regular appearance: Rose

Final regular appearance: Doomsday

Rose Tyler has met the following Doctors
Rose Tyler has appeared in the following adventures
Billie Piper has appeared in the following adventures
Additional information about Rose Tyler
  • Family: Prentice Tyler: Grandfather ::: Jaqueline "Jackie" Tyler: Mother ::: Pete Tyler: Father ::: Mickey Smith: Boyfriend
  • Home: London, England, Earth (21st century)
  • Occupation: Store worker