7Z. The Sirens Of Time
If we fight like animals, we'll die like animals.
The Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Doctors, together for the first time!
Gallifrey is in a state of crisis, facing destruction at the hands of an overwhelming enemy. The Doctor is involved in three different incarnations - each caught up in a deadly adventure, scattered across time and space. The web of time is threatened - and someone wants the Doctor dead.
The three incarnations of the Doctor must join together to set time back on track - but in doing so, will they unleash a still greater threat?
Guest Cast
- The Doctor: Sylvester McCoy (1,4), Peter Davison (2,4), Colin Baker (3,4)
- Commander Raldeth: Andrew Fettes (1,4)
- Co-ordinator Vansell: Anthony Keetch
- The President: Michael Wade (1-3)
- Elenya: Sarah Mowat (1)
- Ruthley: Maggie Stables (1,4)
- Sancroff: Colin McIntyre (1)
- Commandant: John Wadmore (1)
- Lieutenant Zenter: John Wadmore (2)
- Captain Schwieger: Mark Gatiss (1)
- Schmidt: Andrew Fettes (2)
- Helen: Sarah Mowat (2)
- The Tempron: Nicholas Briggs (3-4)
- Ellie: Sarah Mowat (3)
- Pilot Azimendah: John Wadmore (3)
- Delegate: Nicholas Pegg (3)
- Sub-Commander Solanec: John Wadmore (4)
- Knight Commander Lyena: Sarah Mowat (4)
- Knight 2: Mark Gatiss (4)
CD 1: Parts One and Two
CD 2: Parts Three and Four
Running Time: 120 minutes