Tegan Jovanka
played by Janet Fielding

Tegan and the First Doctor (played by Richard Hurndall)


The Five Doctors

Tegan: And who might you be?
First Doctor: I might be any number of things, young lady. As it happens I am the Doctor. The original, you might say.

Tegan stumbled into the TARDIS looking for help with her car. She left once to resume her job, but rejoined the crew when she found out she had been fired. She left after a particularly nasty battle with the Daleks took the fun out of travelling.

She witnessed the regeneration of Tom Baker into Peter Davison.

First regular appearance: Logopolis

Final regular appearance: Resurrection Of The Daleks

Tegan Jovanka has met the following Doctors
Tegan Jovanka has appeared in the following adventures
Janet Fielding has appeared in the following adventures
Additional information about Tegan Jovanka
  • Family: Grandfather Andrew Verney ::: Aunt Vanessa ::: Cousin Colin Frazer
  • Home: Brisbane, Austrailia, Earth (20th century)
  • Occupation: Air Hostess