Matt Smith
Eleventh Doctor
2010 - 2013

The Eleventh Doctor and Clara.
fromThe Doctor: Imagine that. Human souls trapped like flies in the world wide web. Stuck forever, crying out for help.
Clara: Isn't that basically Twitter?
50th Anniversary Collector's Edition

Released: 2014 BBC Worldwide Ltd.
Run time: 266 mins
BBCBD: 0271
Rating: PG
Run time: 266 mins
BBCBD: 0271
Rating: PG
Available from:
- The Name Of The Doctor
- Behind The Scenes
- The Night Of The Doctor
- Doctor Who: The Ultimate Guide
- The Day Of The Doctor
- Behind The Lens
- The Last Day
- Script to Screen
- Cinema Intros: Strax & The Doctor
- 50th Trails
- Tales From The TARDS
- The Time Of The Doctor
- Behind the Lens: Deleted Scenes
- Delete Scene
- A Night With The Stars: The Science Of Doctor Who
- Farewell To Matt Smith
- An Adventuere In Time And Space
- William Hartnell: The Original
- Behind The Scenes
- The Making Of An Adventure
- Reconstructions
- Title Sequences
- Deleted Scenes
- The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot
- Doctor Who At The Proms 2013